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Areas of activity:

  • 1997-2001: collaboration of personnel management for a Labor Consultancy Firm;
  • dal 2001: freelance Labor Consultant;
  • 2005-2008: partner in the Rialp Business Consultancy SPA association;
  • 2006- 2008 : partner in the Lexjus association;
  • 2008: establishment of the partnership Studio Lacapra;


  • 1997: degree from the University of the Studies of Bari;
  • 2001: qualified Labor Consultant and member of the Labor Consultants Association of Bari, specialized in Labor Law and Social Security 2002/2003.


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Areas of activity:

  • Admitted to the Labor consultant and registration Order of the Labour Consultants of Bari to the n°1250
  • Since 2007: Activity as a freelancer in the field of consultancy work, with many years experience in employment law and pensions social, corporate training, management and personnel administration
  • Continued participation and initiative training, seminars and conferences Update Continuing Education
  • Certificate of participation in safety training at work.


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© 2010 Studio Lacapra

Via Niccolò Piccinni 192 - 70122 BARI - Tel: (+39) 080.9751382 - Fax: (+39) 080.9753360 - Email: - P.Iva: 06597220729 | Dati Legali (L.Com.88)

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